Saturday, September 09, 2006

Discipline! I need Discipline!

See... Mr Genki displays a lack of discipline as he starts to fade away... ... Fear not, he's back again to bring you more exciting entries on his life.

Recently, I've been strucked with some kind of a sleeping diorder, which caused me to sleep and sleep and sleep. I slept so much that I had to woke up in the middle of the night say 4am to get going with my school work. Such a sudden switch on the "body clock" caused me to take longer afternoon naps. Which in turn caused me to be late for my Japanese lesson.

However, what shook Mr Genki today was how he learnt that people can be so cold towards each other. As I settled down and got started with tutorial today, no doubts there'll always be late birds flying in. One particular hostile late bird caught my attention. Firstly, she's real late. Secondly, she did not try to settle down as quickly as possible. One kind soul was so nice to have stood up and offer his seat to the late bird so that she would save the trouble of squeezing through the row of people to get a chair. But what poor nice guy got was a very cold attitude stare from the late bird and then he was ignored!

Mr Genki was so surprised with how homosapiens can react to such pleasant behaviour with a hostile stare. Seems like Mr Genki's ideal of World Peace is getting more and more distant... ...

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Steve Irwin, we'll miss you a lot...

Mr Genki was very saddened and horrified when he tuned in to the 10pm news at channel 8 and learnt that the renowned "Crocodile Hunter" Steve Irwin had been stung by a stingray and had passed away as a result.

Mr Genki had vivid memories of how the late Steve Irwin once lived as a conservationist and an animal lover. I also remembered how he managed to tame a crocodile and many other dangerous animals with even his bare hands or nothing more than a mere stick that he picked up from the surroundings. His adventures had never failed to bring excitement to his viewers.

Now that Steve Irwin had departed, I'm sure many of us will miss him dearly. However, there is one very little observation that Mr Genki had made which he thought was very endearing. As Mr Genki browsed through his MSN contact list, he noticed that there quite a number of his friends tagging their nick to a turtle emoticon (tu). This was done in remembrance of the joy that Steve Irwin had brought to us through his adventures.

天有不测之风云,人有旦夕祸福... Life is indeed unpredictable, even for the experts. Though Mr Genki was shocked that World Cup winner Italy stumbled to only force a draw with... Erm... Lithuania (!!!), he was more saddened by the departure of our dearest Crocodile Hunter. We'll miss you...