Mr Genki simply loves going to the movies. The Prestige, The Departed and The Black Dahlia are The 3 upcoming ones which caught my attention.
Every great magic trick consists of 3 acts. The Pledge, the Turn and the Prestige. Of course, the last of the 3 is the most important one which is always kept secret. Don't spoil the Mojo...
Secrets are invaluable because they are secrets, so don't anyhow tell anyone your secrets. People out there if you want to keep your secrets better don't even let people know that you had one in the first place. So keep out of magic tricks!
"I don't wanna be a product of this society, I wan the society to be a product of ME!", says Big Daddy Costello (Jack Nicholson) in the new blockbuster, The Departed.
When the impressionable Mr Genki heard this in the theatres, he began to think that Italian is so cool. It made me think for a while, is it possible to be Costello? To not even tremble when you held on to a hand (I'm referring to a broken hand that looks like The Thing in the Adam's Family)? To kill people so damn casually like it's nobody's business? Movies are simply amazing.
What ever that is, Italian food in Spizza at Harbour Front is another Italian thing that impressed me dearly. Mr Genki was quite surprised to even find some of his friends appearing in the menu.
So did you find your friend in the menu as well? Well, Mr Genki not only found but eaten his friends. Sounds crude? Not at all as the Italian food in Spizza is simply delizioso...
So what's left on "The" list is The Black Dahlia. My loyal friends out there who have been reading my blog... Who's in?